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The Book Of Dad

Through out my career during and after the military, I have spent more time than I care to admit away from my family. Without getting into specifics,


I have been relegated to minimal communication with them. To compensate for my lack of presence, I started sending them daily text messages. I did this for the better part of a year. Then one day I look at the work I did and decided to publish these quotes into a memoir that may serve to help others in the same predicament.


These quotes are encouraged by my life experiences and observation of the experiences and situations my children are currently involved in. I have written hundreds however, this book will only list 200 of them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I was inspired to write them.

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Anchor 2
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The Book Of Dad Too

A product of perseverance gained through experience; originally from one of the toughest areas to grow up in, Northeastern Inner City, USA.


A veteran of the United States Air Force and a graduate from the school of "Hard Knocks". Robert, a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) has seen and experienced many things as he has literally been all over the world.


His greatest education was garnered through various life altering and shaping events. His truly most prized assets are his family, wisdom, intelligence and determination. Priorities are God, Family (immediate & extended) then Vocation; all else falls into place from there.

The Chameleon Judge:
As told to "The Urban Soap Opera Diva"
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An eeriness is in the air, as a rash of murders has hit the elderly, gay pedophile community. A judge, well respected and admired is struggling to balance his life, family, career and sexual perversions imbued on him from an early age.


As shared via an anonymous source; He dons Chameleon like characteristics to disguise, not only who he is, but what he does. Being the conscious professional he is, he seeks out the help of a beautiful young Psychiatrist to help him navigate, mitigate and harness the colors in him that threaten to ruin him, his family and legacy.


Can she help him, or will she become infected by the sexual and mental zombies laying claim to him and his family. Read on as we see all of the contributing mayhem from the Chameleon Judge's past, present and future as they continue the paint his hue.

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